
Masters in Sustainable Tourism

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Acquire the ability to co – create tourism projects that provoke astonishment, admiration and respect for ecosystems and cultures and have a positive social and environmental impact.

This program aimed for designers, managers and operators of tourism projects. The Master develops the ability to properly integrate the host community, visitors and the natural environment in a tourism project oriented bio – cultural regeneration. In parallel, strengthen marketing capabilities, recognizing that the lack of effective marketing strategies is the weakness that becomes unsustainable industry many well-intentioned projects

The program raise the question to graduate standardized development practices, marketing oriented attractions and activities of destinations which are not based on the potential development and evolution of the same products. Identifying potential tourist destinations involves looking at the entire region from the systemic point of view environment-community-project. This approach generates strategies based on the charisma of the place and involves significant design rather than the technical operation of activities experiences.

The Master addresses the Sustainable Tourism in the broad sense, providing an overview of the concepts, rules and organizations that govern the sector at national and international level. Also transmits knowledge about the natural and cultural heritage which forms the basis of ecotourism activities in the country. The specific vision of bio-cultural tourism graduate manifested in the design of experiences of interconnection between people, cultures and the environment, generating measurable social and environmental benefits in the place where they are.

We offer practical tools for planning, operation, marketing and evaluation of economically profitable tourism projects, and facilitate contact with successful experiences of sustainable tourism. We help participants to build a philosophical framework that allows them to analyze the relevant issues of matter critical, systemic and ethical manner, while we consolidate their knowledge of theories and practices related to ecology and sustainability in general practice.

The bio-cultural approach to program addresses various forms of re-connection between people and the natural environment through profound experiences to re-activate and nurture the socio-environmental relations, catalyzing understanding and motivation of coexistence of people with nature and other cultures.

In this way the master perceives sustainable tourism industry not only as a delivery system for recreational activities, but actually as high impact tool to germinate socio-environmental awareness from subtle and sensitive space, achieving the transformation of the behavior of people, taking them to a service-oriented sustainability and regeneration space of thought, attitude and action.

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